Are Cupcakes or Cakes Better? (Persuasive)

Elizabeth Lyons
2 min readMar 1, 2021

Cakes and Cupcakes are very similar to each other. There is a debate about which ones are better or tastier. They are essentially the same thing, they taste very similar, and they can be the same flavor and colors.

Cakes. Cakes can vary in many different sizes. They can be multiple tiers or just one sheet. Cakes are very popular within weddings and birthdays. At weddings, cakes come in all sizes and types. Some people want their cakes very plain or simple but some may love to go extravagant and have their cakes be very large.

Cupcakes on the other hand are very small and petite. They are easy to handle and they are perfect when you want something sweet but at the same time, you want something small. They are also very good gift giving ideas because they are easy to transport and are easily eaten.

Cakes and cupcakes are also very popular being made at home. Cupcakes may be easier to back, they take less time and you do not have to worry about the hassle of getting it out of the pan and waiting for it to cool and then frost the cake and make it look amazing.

Cupcakes take between 15 and 20 minutes to bake, while cakes take up to 35 or 40 minutes to bake. Cupcakes are also easier to decorate, meaning that you get more time to savor them.

Whether you like cakes or cupcakes, it is honestly just a personal preference and what that specific person likes. It also may be what is best for that occasion. Cakes and Cupcakes are good either way and are both amazing to enjoy.

